This jupyter notebook will guide you on how to segment a 3D MRI image in different classes (eg: WM:White matter; GM:Grey matter; CSF:Cerebro-spinal fluid) using a K-means Model.
K-means Pseudocode: Specify number of clusters Randomly initialize k centroids Do Assign each point to closest ectroid Update centroid by computing mean in each cluster While Centroid positon is changing
import os
import nibabel as nib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.ticker as ticker
import numpy as np
import math
from scipy.stats import norm
# Set random seed so output is all same
# for display
sub_size = 16
Load the input Image
dataFile = '../Data/brain.nii.gz'
brainImage = nib.load(dataFile).get_fdata()
Visualize the data in axial, coronal and sagittal view.
def plotOriginalImage(image, slices, title):
fig, (ax1, ax2, ax3) = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=3, figsize=(15,5),)
fig.suptitle(title+', slices: ' + str(slices), fontsize=sup_size)
ax1.imshow(image[slices[0], :, :], cmap='gray'); ax1.axis('off'); ax1.set_title('Axial', fontsize=sub_size)
ax2.imshow(image[::-1,slices[1],::-1], cmap='gray'); ax2.axis('off'); ax2.set_title('Coronal', fontsize=sub_size)
ax3.imshow(image[::-1,:,slices[2]], cmap='gray'); ax3.axis('off'); ax3.set_title('Sagittal', fontsize=sub_size)
slices = [90, 110, 130]; bins = 100
plotOriginalImage(brainImage, slices, title='Original Image')
Let's plot the image histogram to see if we can see some intensities peaks that will be fitted by our K-means Model.
minIntensity = 100
brainIntensities = brainImage[brainImage > minIntensity]
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 5))
_ = plt.hist(brainIntensities.ravel(), bins)
plt.title("Image Intensities Histogram", fontsize=sup_size)
If we look at the histogram of the image above, we can see that it has three peaks, most probably representing CSF, GM, and WM.
Now let's create our K-means model. The fact that the histogram has three peaks is telling us that we can set the number of clusters of the K-means to 4 (CSF, GM, WM, and background). Feel free to change the number of clusters to see how the results change.
# Here you can define the number of clusters of the K-means
K = 4 # feel free to change this value
Let's build our K-mean Model.
class KMeans(object):
def __init__(self): # No need to implement
def pairwise_dist(self, image, centers, K):
image: C x H x W numpy array
centers: K numpy array
K: number of clusters
dist: N x M array, where dist[i] is the euclidean distance between X[i] and Y[j]
C, H, W = image.shape
dists = np.zeros((K, C, H, W))
for i in range(K):
dists[i] = abs(image-centers[i])
return dists
def _update_assignment(self, image, centers, K):
image: C x H x W numpy array, the observations
centers: K numpy array, where K is the number of clusters
K: number of clusters
cluster_idx: C x H x W numpy array, the cluster assignment for each point
cluster_idx = np.empty_like(image)
distances = self.pairwise_dist(image, centers, K)
cluster_idx = np.argmin(distances, axis=0)
return cluster_idx
def _update_centers(self, image, cluster_idx, K):
image: C x H x W numpy array, the observations
cluster_idx: C x H x W numpy array, the cluster assignment for each point
K: number of clusters
centers: new centers, K numpy array, where K is the number of clusters
new_centers = np.empty([K])
for i in range(K):
indices = np.where(cluster_idx == i)
if indices[0].size ==0:
print('Center', i, 'is empty!')
new_centers[i] = 0
new_centers[i] = np.mean(image[indices])
return new_centers
def _get_loss(self, image, centers, cluster_idx, K):
image: C x H x W numpy array, the observations
centers: K numpy array, where K is the number of clusters
cluster_idx: C x H x W numpy array, the cluster assignment for each point
K: number of clusters
loss: a single float number, which is the objective function of KMeans.
dists = self.pairwise_dist(image, centers, K)
loss = 0.0
for i in range(K):
indices = np.where(cluster_idx == i)
if indices[0].size ==0:
print('Loss', i, 'is zero!')
loss = loss + 0
loss = loss + np.sum(dists[i][indices])
return loss
Initialize the centers of K-Means
# We set a flag to choose initialize method
random_init = True
if random_init:
# We initilize the centers by random
centers = np.empty([K])
for idx in range(K):
randIndex = [np.random.randint(val) for val in brainImage.shape]
centers[idx] = brainImage[randIndex[0],randIndex[1], randIndex[2]]
# We initilize the centers according to the brainImage Histogram
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 5))
val, binsH, _ = plt.hist(brainImage.ravel(), bins=K)
plt.title("Image Intensities Histogram", fontsize=sup_size)
centers = np.array([np.mean(binsH[:2]), np.mean(binsH[1:3]), np.mean(binsH[2:4]), np.mean(binsH[3:])])
We can now start with the K-means algorithm and see how well we can fit the data with our K-means model as well as plot our segmentation maps of our segmented brain structures.
Let's compute the initial segmentation (computing the posterior distribution and take the maximum argument) with this parameter initialization and show them.
def plotSegmentation(segImage, slices, it=0):
fig, (ax1, ax2, ax3) = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=3, figsize=(16,5))
fig.suptitle('Segmentation at Iteration ' + str(it), fontsize=sup_size)
cmp = mpl.colors.ListedColormap(['k', 'b', 'gray', 'w'])
ax1.imshow(segImage[slices[0], :, :], cmap=cmp); ax1.axis('off'); ax1.set_title('Axial', fontsize=sub_size)
ax2.imshow(segImage[::-1,slices[1],::-1], cmap=cmp); ax2.axis('off'); ax2.set_title('Coronal', fontsize=sub_size)
img3 = ax3.imshow(segImage[::-1,:,slices[2]], cmap=cmp); ax3.axis('off'); ax3.set_title('Sagittal', fontsize=sub_size)
fig.subplots_adjust(right=0.9) # set width of the left three subplot equal to 0.9
# set the size of colorbar
l=0.92; b=0.12; w=0.015; h=1-2*b #left, bottom, width, hight
# set the position of colorbar
rect = [l,b,w,h]
cbar_ax = fig.add_axes(rect)
cb1 = fig.colorbar(img3, cax=cbar_ax)
# set the scale of colobar
tick_locator = ticker.MaxNLocator(nbins=4)
cb1.locator = tick_locator
# cb1.set_ticks([0,1])
KMeans_model = KMeans()
cluster_idx = KMeans_model._update_assignment(brainImage, centers, K)
centers = KMeans_model._update_centers(brainImage, cluster_idx, K)
segImage = np.copy(brainImage)
# assign each pixel to cluster mean
for i in range(K):
indices_current_cluster = np.where(cluster_idx == i)
segImage[indices_current_cluster] = centers[i]
plotOriginalImage(brainImage, slices, title='Original Image')
plotSegmentation(segImage, slices, it=0)
Center 3 is empty!
Though sometimes the random initialization gives us poor initial segmentaion results, it's better than the hitogram initialize for deeply understanding the optimization process of K-Mean algorithem.
Let's run the K-Means algorithm for some iterations and see how the segmentation change.
def plotLoss(lossHistory):
if len(lossHistory) > 1:
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 5))
plt.title("Loss Function", fontsize=sup_size)
plt.xlabel('iteration', fontsize=sub_size)
plt.ylabel('loss', fontsize=sub_size)
max_iters=80; abs_tol=1e-16; rel_tol=1e-16; verbose=True; showEveryX = 5
lossHistory = []
for it in range(max_iters):
cluster_idx = KMeans_model._update_assignment(brainImage, centers, K)
centers = KMeans_model._update_centers(brainImage, cluster_idx, K)
loss = KMeans_model._get_loss(brainImage, centers, cluster_idx, K)
if it % (showEveryX ) == 0:
plotOriginalImage(brainImage, slices, title='Original Image')
segImage = np.copy(brainImage)
# assign each pixel to cluster mean
for i in range(K):
indices_current_cluster = np.where(cluster_idx == i)
segImage[indices_current_cluster] = centers[i]
plotSegmentation(segImage, slices, it)
if it:
diff = np.abs(prev_loss - loss)
if diff < abs_tol and diff / prev_loss < rel_tol:
print("Algorithm converges since cost per iteration is smaller than minDifference.")
prev_loss = loss
if verbose:
print('Iteration {:.0f}, Loss: {:.4f}, Centers: {}'.format(it, loss, centers))
Iteration 0, Loss: 175575139.7949, Centers: [279.91761856 37.10066507 613.49012684 0. ] Iteration 1, Loss: 171604412.1521, Centers: [3.15318703e+02 8.66202573e+01 6.25798265e+02 1.22322838e-02] Iteration 2, Loss: 166329780.5657, Centers: [3.45993519e+02 1.65058857e+02 6.35399566e+02 2.83352856e-02] Iteration 3, Loss: 146554103.6676, Centers: [3.99874434e+02 2.17142658e+02 6.44801965e+02 6.06940465e-02] Iteration 4, Loss: 125516558.2577, Centers: [4.48393271e+02 2.39916292e+02 6.63013478e+02 9.74810259e-02]
Iteration 5, Loss: 109565223.2516, Centers: [4.80275409e+02 2.53971890e+02 6.85344294e+02 1.16610933e-01] Iteration 6, Loss: 100231709.4489, Centers: [5.00171915e+02 2.63679766e+02 7.03933499e+02 1.29416972e-01] Iteration 7, Loss: 96247055.7515, Centers: [5.11974091e+02 2.70533032e+02 7.15844088e+02 1.38520306e-01] Iteration 8, Loss: 94799670.3499, Centers: [5.18829554e+02 2.75099711e+02 7.22763125e+02 1.45787608e-01] Iteration 9, Loss: 94314033.3008, Centers: [5.22719804e+02 2.78049848e+02 7.26567498e+02 1.51145665e-01]
Iteration 10, Loss: 94164830.9437, Centers: [5.24848110e+02 2.79871005e+02 7.28555072e+02 1.54884301e-01] Iteration 11, Loss: 94121754.5895, Centers: [5.25969101e+02 2.80929550e+02 7.29551776e+02 1.56969755e-01] Iteration 12, Loss: 94108873.2929, Centers: [5.26584957e+02 2.81541216e+02 7.30084667e+02 1.58205632e-01] Iteration 13, Loss: 94107127.4004, Centers: [5.26906506e+02 2.81888750e+02 7.30350588e+02 1.59095157e-01] Iteration 14, Loss: 94106841.3694, Centers: [5.27076631e+02 2.82062114e+02 7.30497130e+02 1.59635221e-01]
Iteration 15, Loss: 94105748.6128, Centers: [5.27171199e+02 2.82154145e+02 7.30579271e+02 1.59743339e-01] Iteration 16, Loss: 94105292.6221, Centers: [5.27226928e+02 2.82212640e+02 7.30625468e+02 1.59797414e-01] Iteration 17, Loss: 94105203.7748, Centers: [5.27254690e+02 2.82247885e+02 7.30645200e+02 1.59797414e-01] Iteration 18, Loss: 94105126.6653, Centers: [5.27268795e+02 2.82258276e+02 7.30659425e+02 1.59851508e-01] Iteration 19, Loss: 94104729.9475, Centers: [5.27277057e+02 2.82259745e+02 7.30669827e+02 1.59851508e-01]
Iteration 20, Loss: 94104771.8494, Centers: [5.27280469e+02 2.82265252e+02 7.30671662e+02 1.59851508e-01] Iteration 21, Loss: 94105606.5949, Centers: [5.27284040e+02 2.82273607e+02 7.30673345e+02 1.59986761e-01] Iteration 22, Loss: 94105606.3188, Centers: [5.27287382e+02 2.82278013e+02 7.30675640e+02 1.59986761e-01] Iteration 23, Loss: 94105566.9661, Centers: [5.27291155e+02 2.82282051e+02 7.30678699e+02 1.59986761e-01] Iteration 24, Loss: 94105593.5317, Centers: [5.27292065e+02 2.82283887e+02 7.30679005e+02 1.59986761e-01]
Algorithm converges since cost per iteration is smaller than minDifference.
The algorithm converged. Let's show our final result!
segImage = np.copy(brainImage)
# assign each pixel to cluster mean
for i in range(K):
indices_current_cluster = np.where(cluster_idx == i)
segImage[indices_current_cluster] = centers[i]
plotOriginalImage(brainImage, slices, title='Original Image')
plotSegmentation(segImage, slices, it)